The Ephyra Tank holds free-swimming Ephyra which have strobilated away from the parent polyps. Jellyfish Ephyra require a flow, similar to a jellyfish display tank, that keeps them suspended at all times. The Midwater Systems Ephyra Tank was designed specifically for this task. A large rotation chamber and the drain chamber are seperated by a wide micron screened wall. These tanks are designed to be part of a larger central system. Each tank is independent and passive, meaning its water in-flow is provided by a seperate centralized water pump source and its 1" Stand Pipe Drain allows drain water to exit back to the seperate central system. Water is introduced via a 3/8" supply line to a rigid spraybar that directs a current of water vertically downward across the exit screen that leads to the Standpipe Drain chamber.
EPHYRA TANK is 18” long x 11” wide x 12” Tall. Various micron screen sizes available.
Exits, there are three choices for the Stand Pipe to drain, (1) through the bottom of the last chanmber, (2) through the front side of the last chamber or (3) through the back side of the last chamber.